2011年4月23日 星期六

Aerobics - How to Succeed - Part 4

Aerobic Exercise


"Aerobics" is another form of aerobic exercise. Such classes incorporate rapid stepping patterns, performed to music with guidance provided by an instructor.

Dr Cooper was an authority in ways of improving fitness. Some of these ideas were used to further the sport. Aerobics became very popular in the 1980s. This was partly due to the many celebrities, such as the actress Jane Fonda, who produced videos or created television shows promoting this type of aerobic exercise.

In the case of group exercise aerobics, there are two main types:

Pre-choreographed aerobics

Freestyle aerobics is a format in which the instructor creates a number of short dance routines, and goes through the steps with the class. The class is taught 1-2 movements at a time and the movements are repeated until the class is able to join the whole choreography together.

Aerobic Capacity

The term refers to the cardiorespiratory system, which includes the heart, lungs and blood vessels, and defines the functional capacity of the system. It is defined as the maximum volume of oxygen that the body is able to handle within a particular time span, and normally during a period of intense exercise. It is a measure of both the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system and the maximum capability to remove and make use of the oxygen from the circulating blood.

In order to measure the level of the maximum aerobic capacity of an individual, it is necessary to perform a VO2 max test. This usually involves an exercise test which is graded, either using a treadmill or a cycle ergometer, in which the intensity of the exercise is gradually increased whilst measuring ventilation, oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations of both the inhaled and exhaled air. The value of VO2 max is reached when oxygen consumption remains at a uniform level regardless of any increase in the level of activity.

The procedure involves the individual being connected to a respirometer, which is a means of measuring oxygen consumption. The level of activity is increased incrementally over a specified time period. As the measured cardiorespiratory endurance level increases, the greater the volume of oxygen that has been both given to and used by the exercising muscles, and the higher the level of intensity at which the individual can exercise. In other words, the higher the aerobic capacity, the higher the level of aerobic fitness.

Other methods that can also be used to measure the functional aerobic capacity of an individual include:

The Cooper Test - This is a test of physical fitness. The test involves running as far as possible within a set period of 12 minutes. The object is to determine the physical condition of the person taking the test. It is meant to be run at a steady pace, rather than sprints or fast running. The conclusion derived from the test is based on the distance that the person has run, their age and gender. The results can be correlated with a VO2 Max test.

The Multi-Stage Fitness Test - The basis of the test is to run non-stop between two points that are 20 metres apart. Each run is synchronised with an audio tape or CD, which plays beeps at pre-determined intervals. As the test progresses, the interval between each successive beep is reduced. In this way, the athlete is made to increase their speed over the course of the test until, at some point, the athlete finds that it is impossible to match his pace with the beeps in the recording. The test is used by sports coaches and trainers to determine the level of an athlete's VO2 max ((maximum oxygen intake). The test is especially useful for players of sports like rugby, soccer, hockey, cricket, netball, or tennis.

Aerobics - How To Succeed

Peter Radford writes Articles with Websites on a wide range of subjects. Aerobics Articles cover Background, History, Types of Exercise, Benefits, Aerobic Capacity, Other Issues, Commercial Success.

His Website contains a total of 140 Aerobics Articles, written by others and carefully selected.

View his Website at: aerobics-how-to-succeed.com.

View his Blog at: aerobics-how-to-succeed.blogspot.com

