2011年4月30日 星期六

Deal With Anger Before It Deals With You

Earn high average income per sale on this unique audio product in a hot niche. Professionally designed by Dr. William DeFoore, the comprehensive anger management program has a low refund rate and provides excellent customer satisfaction, with bonuses.

Check it out!

High Intensity Intervals vs Steady, State Aerobic Training - Which is Better?

Because I put a lot of emphasis on interval training, people sometimes get the idea that I'm against steady state training. This isn't the case. With my programs, at least 75-80 % of you time is spent in an aerobic power and heart rate zone. I put the focus on the interval workouts as those are what tend to jump your power which you can then go faster aerobically. My approach is backwards to the conventional approach in that I focus on building maximum sustainable power and then translate that into longer distances.

To go faster, longer you need to accomplish the following:

Increased cardiac output - The heart and lungs need to be able to process more oxygen. Working muscles need oxygen, so the more you can process the faster you will potentially be able to go.

Increase mitochondrial development in the working muscles - these are the little power plants in the muscle cells that convert food and fat into motion. The more mitochondria you have, the more energy the muscles can process. Limited energy through-put is often what limits endurance performance.

Increase capillarization of the working muscles - capillaries are the little blood vessels that carry blood to the working muscles. The more capacity you have, the more blood that can carried to the muscle. More blood means more oxygen and more waste products carried away with each heartbeat.

Muscular endurance - This is related to the above adaptations but isn't just the legs. You need good muscular endurance in the prime mover and the support muscles. Strong legs don't mean much if your back gives out.

For those of you not sure of definitions, I'll describe them in a way that you can practically apply.

Aerobic pace - Aerobic mean with oxygen so aerobic pace is a pace that is hard enough that you are working but you are able to keep up with the oxygen demands. When you first start riding your heart rate and breathing will pick up. From the point when your breathing picks up and you feel like you are doing a moderate but noticeable workload to 90% of your functional threshold power will be aerobic.

From a feel stand point aerobic riding will be a moderately hard pace that you can sustain for extended periods of time(1-4 hours). Breathing will increase and you'll break a sweat but your legs won't be burning.

Anaerobic - Anaerobic means without oxygen so this is an intensity level where you can't keep up with the oxygen demand. There isn't a magical point that the body switches from the aerobic energy system to anaerobic. It's a sliding scale. For the sake of our discussion Anaerobic pace is any level that is to hard to sustain for extended periods and is marked by the sensation of seeming to get harder at the same work level. Because you body isn't getting enough oxygen you build a debt that leads to very heavy breathing and lots of burn.

Intervals - This is any workout that alternates periods of hard work with recovery. A graph of power output will look like a mountain range with spikes during the on phase and valleys during the recovery phase.

Most longer, steady training is predominantly aerobic while intervals are crossing the line into heavy anaerobic demands.

Now here is where it can get complicated. Relatively short intervals (30 seconds) without enough recovery between them put a high load on the aerobic system as oxygen debt builds. The same holds true for short time trial efforts such as our fitness test, where you cover as much distance as possible in 8 minutes. That duration is too long for it to be totally anaerobic but the intensity level is too high for it to be purely aerobic. This type of work will overload both systems. The same holds true for Tabata intervals, Velmax intervals and 4X4s. Because these intervals hit both systems you get more bang for your training buck.

While you get a lot of progress out of doing intervals, your long distance ability will be compromised if this is the only thing you do. There needs to be a balance between longer steady state efforts and high intensity interval training. The longer your event, the more of your overall training time will be taken up with long steady efforts. Long steady rides will build capacity in the slow twitch endurance muscle fibers and improve your bodies ability to use fat as a fuel source. This last part is one of the big secrets of improving endurance. The training and nutrition you can get your body using a larger percentage of calories from stored body fat during long events, saving carbohydrates for the hard efforts that will come at the end of the race.

One of the big things I notice with athletes is that it is hard for them to dial it back to go easy enough for their aerobic training to be effective. It's not that a slightly higher pace doesn't give you training benefits, but a long ride that has repeated hard efforts (ie. hills) or nudges up near your functional threshold power (max 60 min power) for sustained periods will take you longer to recover from. A moderate aerobic workout will take 8-12 hours to recover from but when you do it at a higher intensity it can take 48 hours or longer, decreasing the quality of your following workouts as you won't be recovered.

Here the benefits of each type of training:

High Intensity Intervals

Big effort yields big improvements - You have to go faster if you want to go faster. Intervals let you go faster in small doses which in time, leads to going faster for longer periods.

Great for fat burning - Intervals kick up your metabolism leaving it elevated for hours after training. This phenomenon can be used to ramp up your fat loss progress.

Hit muscle fibers that aerobic training doesn't - Fast twitch fibers get trained with explosive, hard efforts. You need them for sprints, hard accelerations and hill climbing.

Time efficient - You can overload both the aerobic and anaerobic system within one relatively short workout.

Variety - There are intervals to target improving just about anything. Increase threshold power, improve hill climbing power, increase you recovery ability between hard efforts, improve lactic acid tolerance, improve muscular endurance, sprint faster.

Interesting - This is particularly important in the winter. You have to pay attention when doing intervals so the time seems to go faster. Combined with the fact that the workouts are shorter means you are more likely to do them over the winter. While you need longer aerobic riding, intervals are the best thing to do in the off season if you can't bring yourself to put in 60+ minutes steady on the trainer.

Long, Steady Aerobic Riding

Improves capacity of the Slow Twitch (endurance) muscle fibers - Unless you are on the track, most of your cycling energy is going to be developed aerobically. If you are riding for 2 hours or more, most of your energy has to come from the aerobic system. It's just a fact. So improving the capacity of the aerobic muscle fibers will help you go faster for a longer period of time.

Improve your fuel economy - Long, steady rides improve your bodies ability to tap into stored body fat as a fuel source. This effect isn't targeted at weight loss but improving your endurance by cutting down on the amount of carbohydrate your muscles need to go a given speed.

Improve recovery - Aerobic training, when done correctly (ie. not too hard) is great to do between your harder workouts as you will get a training benefit but won't take days to recover from.

As you can see if you race or do long rides, if you want to do them fast you have to use both types of training to maximize your progress. You can get in very good shape doing just intervals but to go long you need to go long.

By Winston Endall

My name is Winston Endall. I'm a bike shop owner and cycling coach. Over the last 12 years I've worked developing my Speed Factory Training System to allow real people like you to maximize their fitness. My system lets people with jobs and families build a high level of cycling performance with the minimum time spent each week. Speed Factory combines bike workouts, cross training and flexibility work to make you a stronger overall athlete in as little as 4 hours per week. For more information go to my site http://www.cyclecambridge.com.

2011年4月29日 星期五

Zumba®: Ditch the Workout, Join the Party! The Zumba Weight Loss Program

ZumbaR: Ditch the Workout, Join the Party! The Zumba Weight Loss ProgramTIRED OF LOGGING HOURS AT THE GYM AND NOT GETTING RESULTS?



Created by celebrity fitness trainer Beto Perez, ZumbaR combines fun, easy-to-follow dance steps with hot Latin beats to help you shed pounds and inches fast. Now the DVD and classes that have hooked millions are available in book format, with a complete workout program, fat-burning diet, and an exclusive instructional DVD with 60 minutes worth of music to help you Zumba your way to the perfect body.

Using the principles of interval and resistance training, the simple dance and sculpting moves (inspired by the traditional cumbia, salsa, samba, and merengue) tone and shape your body. And because it burns 600 to 1,000 calories per hour, you don't have to restrict your meals to boring or bland-tasting diet foods. The Zumba diet begins with a 5-Day Express Diet to jump start weight loss (lose up to 9 lbs in 5 days) and then offers 14-day meal plans and recipes that target weight loss in the stomach and thighs. You'll find:
· Hot moves that make you feel like you're on the dance floor-not on the elliptical machine!

· Recipes for mouthwatering meals that boost your metabolism

· Dozens of workout combinations so you never get bored

· An exclusive jump-start program to get you ready for that big event next weekend

· An easy plan to help you keep up your progress and maintain the weight loss

So start moving, grooving and losing with Zumba today!

Price: $24.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年4月28日 星期四

The Value of Aerobic Exercise Curriculums

Health and nutrition are genuinely crucial to us. The older we become the more valuable it is in our daily lives. Naturally, with age, many find exercise more laborious due to our declining physical condition. It is unfortunate that as we age, a lot of us will not manage a schedule for fitness exercise when the dwindling of the body can be slowed and prolonged with aerobics.

If you are considering aerobic exercise, you will be joyfully surprised at the flood of important information within reach to work for you in directing the ideal workout, burn fat, and improve your overall health. Seriously believe in the powerful benefits derived from aerobic exercise. For the longest time, I was accustomed to a very sedentary lifestyle, but since I began my current aerobic exercise schedule, I have experienced several positive and compelling lifestyle changes. I began feeling happier and healthier, at the same time I began feeling an astonishing addition in energy. Apart from the other benefits, I feel more physically fit than I had ever dreamed, which provides me more confidence with my physical appearance. This is something I have not experienced since earlier days as a youth.

Whether dieting, performing scheduled aerobics exercises or bodybuilding, always remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. There is a suggested daily amount of eight 8oz glasses of water needed daily, but that is not a research proven fact. In fact, researchers have stated that almost half of the body's required fluids come from the consumption of solid foods. So, everyone should adjust their own water intake as needed.

Insomuch as there are multitudes of aerobic exercise routines, it can definitely be said that the first priority is to find a fitness program that is right for you. That will be very good in your physical fitness success. Jogging has always been at the ned of my list of aerobic programs. There are really many exercise programs that raise metabolism and the pumping of blood, which help invigorate the heart muscle and enhance your health. Noting the wealth of aerobic programs obtainable, it should also be noted that they are certainly not all the same. Look for one that is low impact and requires muscle use from contrasting areas of the body.

High impact aerobic programs typically work well at increasing the circulatory and respiratory systems. Regularly, programs such as jogging as an example cause long term harmful physical issues straining or damaging joints or creating bone spurs for one. In respect to the long term effects of jogging, I will cease that form of exercise. Other aerobic programs commonly workout only one indicated muscle region. The majority work on the legs and do little for the arms and back. While building the cardio, this only faintly helps to create the truely physically fit body you hunger for.

With a little online research, I located a few aerobic exercise programs online. After a second review, I chose one that fit my desires and was not overloaded with those troubling issues. It appears to offer a complete workout routine that works and tones the whole body. With various workout routines immediately at hand, it also offers the option of support from a personal trainer. It is always nice to have input from an experienced fitness trainer to fill you in on how you are advancing. In addition, the program offers instrumental tips on burning fat and diets and nutrition information to further strengthen your physical well-being. Finally, whereas it is an online course the fitness programs overhead is much less than a local retail store, which helps keep the cost nominal for a very professional aerobics exercise program.

It has a number of routines with instruction from a personal trainer, that forms strength, flexibility, and a feeling of radiant health that I have been missing. Since beginning the online aerobic exercise curriculum, I have even been compelled to eat better, which has further enhanced my health and well being. There are useful tips for losing weight, daily motivational opinions, support and contact with your trainer through email, together with perpetual interaction via an world wide web forum for aerobic exercise participants. And, because it does not involve closely supervised classes, the price tag is actually quite reasonable, and not at all costly like masses of other fitness and aerobic exercise curriculums.

Loman is an author and editor for many different websites including 100WheyProtein.com He also writes opinions and reviews based on industry as well as personal experience for a variety of industries such as whey protein

2011年4月27日 星期三

Exaco Trading EARTH Earthmaker 120-Gallon Three Stage Aerobic Composter

Exaco Trading EARTH Earthmaker 120-Gallon Three Stage Aerobic ComposterEarthmaker 3 - stage Compost Bin turns trash into treasure! Dumping yard refuse and food scraps in the trash not only wastes landfill space, it's a waste of money too! Don't believe me? Well, think about how much you spend on lawncare services or products every year. Sending organic waste to the dump means you're literally throwing out valuable nutrients you COULD be using to keep your yard and garden beautiful while also keeping money in your pocket. In fact, studies show that almost half of each trash bag you produce could be made into compost. So, why waste money AND pollute the air by having your waste transported elsewhere? The Earthmaker is a great way to go green AND save green! So how does it work? Simple. Earthmaker's patented three-stage process uses traditional three-bin composting, but stacked vertically so gravity does the hard work! A continuous cycle process keeps new material away from older material. Food and garden waste can be added at any time. Mature mulch or compost can be removed when convenient. And the push-pull tool makes it easy to mix and move material through the process without straining your back with heavy lifting and turning. It's basically like having 3 compost bins in one unit! More: 123 gallon capacity; Once the unit is working, Earthmaker can produce up to 10 gallons of compost each month; Swiveling lid keeps animals out; Made of durable polypropylene; Material aerates as it falls down the chambers, decomposing rather than rotting; Reduces smells, flies and greenhouse gases; Easy assembly! Clicks together with no tools; Measures 47 x 30" w., weighs 36 lbs. Compost the easy way and order your Earthmaker today! Earthmaker 3-stage Compost Bin

Price: $199.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年4月25日 星期一

Scientific Brain Training--Brain Fitness CD-ROM (PC)

Scientific Brain Training--Brain Fitness CD-ROM (PC)This product is a revolutionary new way to improve your thinking ability quickly and easily! 20 minutes per day is all that is needed to greatly improve your cognitive skills!

Brain Fitness will give your mind a workout that tests your recent memory, language skills, concentration, and ability to decipher, classify and order concepts.

Brain Fitness is vital for success in daily life for everyone, whether you are a student, professional, baby boomer or senior. This CD-ROM contains fun and innovative exercises and tools that will provide your brain with a full mental workout. Your brain requires complex stimulation to build brainpower and this program provides just that! In just 20 minutes per day, Brain Fitness will help increase thinking ability, prevent brain aging, and hone all five cognitive functions: memory, language, logic, concentration and visual/spatial skills. Moreover, it will provide you with the tools to monitor and track your progress.

Exercise and stretch your mental skills such as logic, language, and attention in a unique and fun universe with 28 different exercises and difficulty levels. You can track and compare your performance with other individuals of the same age, gender, and educational level.

How it Works

Begin by starting off with some of the warm-up exercises. You can choose to take a tour of exotic places, such as Spain, Scotland, and many other places around the world. You will be asked to remember details about your "virtual visits" throughout the exercises.

Brain Fitness will keep you informed of your progress throughout the exercises on the disc. Get your friends and family to play as well - Brain Fitness will track the progress of multiple users! Cultural memory, long-term memory, concentration, reasoning, and visual and spatial skills will all be tested in the Warm Up exercises on the disc. For example, the "Chunking" exercise will test your recent memory ability through a game of virtual chess.

Price: $119.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

Champion Women's Double Dry Seamless Full Support Underwire Sports Bra #6242

Champion Women's Double Dry Seamless Full Support Underwire Sports Bra #6242Offering maximum support and comfort for intense, high-impact activities, the ChampionR Double DryR Seamless Full Support Underwire Sports Bra manages moisture to keep you cool and dry. The seamless outer body incorporates rib side panels for extra support and freedom of movement, and the adjustable straps and back closure enable a custom fit. Triple-cushioned underwires and molded cups reduce bounce.

Price: $40.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年4月24日 星期日

Practical Lessons in Yoga (Kindle Edition)

Practical Lessons in Yoga (Kindle Edition)This comprehensive guide is not just another westernized version of Yoga, it gets right to the root with the purest ancient eastern knowledge that can elevate you above the bonds and chains of attachment and artificial constructs of self worth that rob people of their joy and peace.

In this Ebook you will receive the following:

1. The Universal Prayer

2. Yoga and the Objects

3. Yoga Sadhana

4. Yoga Discipline

5. Yoga Diet

6. Obstacles in Yoga

7. Yoga Asanas

8. Pranayama

9. Concentration

10. Meditation

11. Samadhi

12. The Serpentine Powers

13. Spiritual Vibrations and Aura

14. Daily Routine for Aspirants

15. Yoga and Science

Price: $0.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年4月23日 星期六

Aerobics - How to Succeed - Part 4

Aerobic Exercise


"Aerobics" is another form of aerobic exercise. Such classes incorporate rapid stepping patterns, performed to music with guidance provided by an instructor.

Dr Cooper was an authority in ways of improving fitness. Some of these ideas were used to further the sport. Aerobics became very popular in the 1980s. This was partly due to the many celebrities, such as the actress Jane Fonda, who produced videos or created television shows promoting this type of aerobic exercise.

In the case of group exercise aerobics, there are two main types:

Pre-choreographed aerobics

Freestyle aerobics is a format in which the instructor creates a number of short dance routines, and goes through the steps with the class. The class is taught 1-2 movements at a time and the movements are repeated until the class is able to join the whole choreography together.

Aerobic Capacity

The term refers to the cardiorespiratory system, which includes the heart, lungs and blood vessels, and defines the functional capacity of the system. It is defined as the maximum volume of oxygen that the body is able to handle within a particular time span, and normally during a period of intense exercise. It is a measure of both the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system and the maximum capability to remove and make use of the oxygen from the circulating blood.

In order to measure the level of the maximum aerobic capacity of an individual, it is necessary to perform a VO2 max test. This usually involves an exercise test which is graded, either using a treadmill or a cycle ergometer, in which the intensity of the exercise is gradually increased whilst measuring ventilation, oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations of both the inhaled and exhaled air. The value of VO2 max is reached when oxygen consumption remains at a uniform level regardless of any increase in the level of activity.

The procedure involves the individual being connected to a respirometer, which is a means of measuring oxygen consumption. The level of activity is increased incrementally over a specified time period. As the measured cardiorespiratory endurance level increases, the greater the volume of oxygen that has been both given to and used by the exercising muscles, and the higher the level of intensity at which the individual can exercise. In other words, the higher the aerobic capacity, the higher the level of aerobic fitness.

Other methods that can also be used to measure the functional aerobic capacity of an individual include:

The Cooper Test - This is a test of physical fitness. The test involves running as far as possible within a set period of 12 minutes. The object is to determine the physical condition of the person taking the test. It is meant to be run at a steady pace, rather than sprints or fast running. The conclusion derived from the test is based on the distance that the person has run, their age and gender. The results can be correlated with a VO2 Max test.

The Multi-Stage Fitness Test - The basis of the test is to run non-stop between two points that are 20 metres apart. Each run is synchronised with an audio tape or CD, which plays beeps at pre-determined intervals. As the test progresses, the interval between each successive beep is reduced. In this way, the athlete is made to increase their speed over the course of the test until, at some point, the athlete finds that it is impossible to match his pace with the beeps in the recording. The test is used by sports coaches and trainers to determine the level of an athlete's VO2 max ((maximum oxygen intake). The test is especially useful for players of sports like rugby, soccer, hockey, cricket, netball, or tennis.

Aerobics - How To Succeed

Peter Radford writes Articles with Websites on a wide range of subjects. Aerobics Articles cover Background, History, Types of Exercise, Benefits, Aerobic Capacity, Other Issues, Commercial Success.

His Website contains a total of 140 Aerobics Articles, written by others and carefully selected.

View his Website at: aerobics-how-to-succeed.com.

View his Blog at: aerobics-how-to-succeed.blogspot.com

Home Made Strength Online Dvd

The Home Made Strength Online Dvd will show you how to make several high quality pieces of strength training equipment that will last you for years and save you a ton of money.

Check it out!

2011年4月22日 星期五

10 Tips To Getting A More Effective Aerobic Workout

1. Always warm up with stretches so that your body is ready for an aerobic workout. This will help to avoid injury during the exercises and will also make it easier to move as the act of warming up increases flexibility.

2. If you are indoors, make sure that your aerobic workout room is comfortable when it comes to temperature. During most aerobic programs, you will work up a sweat and a warm room will make you sweat even more. On the other hand, a cold room is not ideal either. Instead, try getting your workout area to be somewhere in between.

3. If you are planning to use an aerobic workout video, watch it before beginning to exercise. This will give you an idea as to whether you will be able to successfully follow along with the program without injuring or straining your muscles.

4. Always choose an aerobic workout video according to your level of experience. There is nothing wrong with beginner videos. Never feel like you are in such a hurry that you bypass the first basic steps to fitness needed before moving up to the advanced aerobic workouts.

5. It is best to consult with a physician prior to beginning any aerobic workout regimen. If your physician recommends a specific plan, always be sure to follow it precisely.

6. If you feel that you have pulled a muscle or have suffered another type of aerobic related injury, stop your exercise program and rest. If the pain does not subside, consider applying a warm pack or towel to the injury. If you suspect that the injury is severe or may require medical attention, consult a physician immediately. Do not continue working out as this may only make the injury worse.

7. While doing your aerobic exercises, listen to your favorite tunes on the DVD player. If you are working out to an exercise video, simply turn the volume down if you already know the regimen. If you prefer to workout independently, music is a terrific way to keep you motivated and help you to maintain the pace.

8. If you are planning to enroll in an aerobic class, stop by and watch the class being taught before signing up. This will give you a good idea as to the length of time and level of physical activity that is required by a particular instructor.

9. When participating in any type of exercise program, which includes aerobic workouts, always wear comfortable clothes that are preferably made of cotton. This is the most breathable fabric and will provide the most comfort and ease of movement while working out.

10. At the conclusion of your aerobic workout, always perform several minutes of cool down exercises to get your body cooled down and slowly returned to a normal heart rate. This is better than rapidly stopping your aerobic workout.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only and is not intended to be in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice regarding aerobic exercise. Prior to beginning any workout regimen, an individual should consult their physician for proper recommendations.

Find more about women bodybuilding nutrition, anti aging skin care products or read more aerobic tips on http://www.aerobic-exercise.org.

2011年4月21日 星期四

New Inventions Entrepreneur - "Best New Business Opportunity in Years"

High Commissions paid in The most sought after business opportunity of our time. License products from inventors then market via Infomercials. Complete Pkg Includes Audio, Training Manuals & More! http://www.new-inventions-entrepreneur.com/affilia tes.

Check it out!

The Best Aerobics Exercises

Real Definition Of Aerobics:

Before we get into specific exercises, we need to be able to understand what aerobics exercises really are.

First of all, aerobics exercises are defined as any kind exercise that increases your heart rate.

Not only are aerobics exercises designed to increase your heart rate, but aerobics exercises are meant to force your heart rate into a specific target zone and maintain that position it for at least 20 minutes.

Once your heart rate increases and is then kept in that targeted zone for more than twenty minutes, then one can say the exercises are considered Aerobic.

Don't Confuse Aerobics With Sports:

Often times, many people get aerobic exercises confused with any kind of athletic sport, and they use the excuse that "they don't need to do any aerobics exercises because they are already on a sports team."

This a completely wrong viewpoint of aerobic exercises, because the difference between aerobic exercises and sports, is that when you're playing in any kind of sport, your heart rate is increased, but it isn't consistently kept in that targeted zone for more than twenty minutes.

In sports, you are consistently changing heart rates, and therefore you aren't getting the same "heart exercise" as you get in aerobic exercises.

A Good Amount Of Time For Aerobics:

Now what many people want to know is, "what is a moderate amount of time that should be spent daily performing aerobics exercises?" My answer would be that you should do aerobic exercises from about 40 minutes to an hour, about 5 days a week.

However, if you are really serious about losing weight fast, I recommend you do about an hour of aerobics, every day for a week, then view the results to see if you should keep the same schedule.

Basic Powerful Everyday Aerobics:

The first exercises you may just chuckle to yourself and say, "Wow you're kidding right?"

However I am completely serious about this first exercise because the amount of time you spend doing it daily, can be the different between you losing weight and you LOSING weight.

This amazing aerobics exercises is simply walking. Yes I said walking.

Not many people realize the power that walking can have for them and the results they can get from just walking an hour everyday. This especially designed toward those who are just starting out on your weight loss goal and haven't been working out at all.

Many people blow off walking because they don't think it will give them any results.

However, you can start seeing results fast, depending on how serious you are about losing weight. Walking is the perfect aerobics exercise to start out with.

Now if you have done enough walking, or if you are past that stage in your aerobics exercising, then its time to move on the highly-praised jogging.

This can be another perfect exercise for those who have just decided they want to lose weight and are past the walking stage.

However, if you want to even combine jogging and walking into one day, your results will increase and you'll feel better about yourself.

Jogging Is The Real Deal:

Jogging is perfect for anyone because it is one of those well-known aerobic exercises that many people know will help them lose weight, but they don't want to put in the effort and take a quick jog around the block.

The best time to jog is in the early morning or early evenings where everything i quiet and peaceful.

If you are serious about losing weight fast, I highly recommend you take a jog in the morning and early evening, because experts say this is one of the best Aerobics exercises as far as results go, and its one of the simplest.

Jogging has a very high fat-burning potential, so if you think about that when you're laying in bed contemplating on whether you want to get up and jog or not, this one fact could get you out of bed.

Next Go For A Bike Ride:

The next excellent aerobics exercise on our list, is yet another simple exercises known as "cycling," "bike-riding," or even simply, "bicycling."

This is one of the greatest ways to burn calories and one of the most fun. Just think about it. You are riding a bike (which many consider as a hobby or fun activity) and losing weight and burning calories while riding that bike.

What's doing all the work is the pedaling, and other than that, I know its complete fun. I would recommend this aerobics exercises to anyone, young or old, and I wouldn't put a limit on this exercise, since you can probably figure out whether you can pedal anymore or not.

So I recommend if you're really serious, get out of your house right now, grab a bike, and ride that thing until you can't feel your legs. You'll get great results and it won't feel anything like a workout.

Last Thing, Get On That Treadmill:

The last form of aerobics is the notorious treadmill, or elliptical trainer. There are even variations of these two machines known as step climbers, which are exactly what they sound like, you constantly climb steps.

This exercise combines your walking and jogging exercises and adds a little twist to it, by adding some extra resistance to the equation.

If you don't already have one of these machines, I wouldn't recommend purchasing one because you can get this kind of exercise FREE, by getting outside and jogging around with a backpack full of weights (that you can handle).

The only advantage this has over normal jogging is the fact that you can perform high intensity exercises and control the resistance and speed at which you want to burn those calories.

I would recommend this machine if you are really serious about losing some weight in the nest few days, because this will give you fast results by effectively burning off that fat.

I've actually found the #1 Abdominal Program and the perfect solution to getting the best, most ripped abdominals. I've seen the phenomenal results myself and I want to share it with you. If you are really serious about getting amazing "six pack" results, this program is for you. Check It Out Right Now

You can even get this FREE REPORT to help you maximize your fat burning program. Click Here for more details if you want to really get maximum results out of your aerobics exercises and learn how to obtain "six pack" abdominals fast.

2011年4月20日 星期三

Aerobic Dance

Aerobic dancing combines working out and some other sorts like ballet and jazz, into a workout regime. They are normally regarded as low-impact workouts and slower paced in comparison with other aerobic workouts; however, there are also routines that are rapid. Because of these traits, they're ideal for those who need low-impact workouts like the elderly, obese and those who are pregnant.

What makes aerobic dance a remarkable routine is, of course, its music. There are various types of music which can be employed for aerobic dances, ordinarily about 120 to 124 beats per min for step aerobics. For low-impact workouts, it is commonly about 136 to 148 bpm. Beginners ought to dance or do it with fewer beats.

Aerobic dance can be classified into high-impact exercises, low-impact, step aerobics and water dance aerobics. High impact exercises, as its name implies, requires intensive workouts which includes jumping movements in line with the music. Step aerobic exercises employ the step bench, and water aerobic exercise is carried out in waist-high water.

Aside from the movements along with the music, aerobic dance is also combined with fast or aerobic breathing. This forces more oxygen into the blood, rejuvenating the system, with sessions typically executed from between 20 minutes to half an hour, three times every week. The workout is performed similar to rhythmic dances, with counts important in determining the rhythm.

Before continuing with the routine, getting ready is essential, typically lasting for 10 minutes to a quarter of an hour. These extending workouts lower the risk of injury and at the same time prepare the body for immense movements. After the workout, correct loosening or cooling down movements for an additional 5 minutes to a quarter of an hour will be carried out to help the heart and the muscles unwind.

Aerobic dancing has many benefits although they are employed in a fun way. This sort of physical exercise is a good way to slim down and at the same time, tone body muscles. It will in addition help the system develop strength in bones that hold most of the body's mass and in addition toughen cardiovascular muscle groups.

Just like other workouts, aerobic dance is able to raise the circulation of the blood and reduce the amount of blood sugar and cholesterol. Because aerobic dancing will incorporate specific breathing exercises, more oxygen is dispersed around the heart, lungs and blood vessels which makes the system function better, produce more vitality and stamina. Its physical advantages also comprise helping immunity from disease, and preparing the body against colds, influenza, etc.

Aerobic dancing is also a good way to reduce strain by stopping the monotonous routine we have indoors, school or in the work place. It can also permit you to develop or practice your creativity, since you are able to create steps or routine. If you cannot leave the home to go to a gym, you can simply carry out the aerobic workouts in your house.

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2011年4月19日 星期二

Aussie Fatblast Success System

The Aussie Fatblast Success System is the fat loss solution for the busy professional. This ground breaking system gives you fat loss results in 20 minutes or less each workout! No longer will you have an excuse not to workout. All in PDF and MP3 format

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2011年4月18日 星期一

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Secret 101 to Aerobics

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