2011年5月12日 星期四

Slowing the Aging Process With Aerobics

Can you think of anyone who wouldn't want to be, look or at least feel younger if they could? Despite the years everyone loves to look young. You can't bring back the years that are gone. But do you know ways exist to keep you young? Yes. Aerobics shows the way. Aerobic exercises keep one younger. If you do aerobic exercises regularly you can ward off at least a decade from your aging process. Incorporating aerobics in your life postpones your biological aging by around 12 years.

How Aerobics Delay Aging?

Aerobic exercises increase the amount of oxygen you consume. Oxygen consumed is used to generate energy for your activities by the process termed metabolism. Aerobics increase your oxygen consumption and metabolism.

The power of aerobics to increase your metabolism and oxygen consumption actually decrease with age. Research has revealed that aerobic power decreases by 5 ml/kg for every ten years. A sixty-year-old man has aerobic power that is less than half of what he had at twenty.

The aerobic power has to be more than 18 ml for men and 15 ml for women in order to engage in any physical activity without experiencing tiredness or fatigue. Good news is that aerobics greatly help to increase this aerobic power. If you practice high intensity aerobic exercises for a prolonged duration, you can increase the maximal aerobic power by 25 percent. You can appreciate the implication of this percentage if I tell you that this 25 percent increase accounts for a delay in biological aging by 12 years!

The above information is a scientifically tested fact. This analysis has been published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. It is a proven concept that if the oxygen consumption by an adult person increases his overall health increases. He gets the ability to be more active.

Aerobic Advantages

o Jogging or other such aerobic exercises reduce the risk of many serious diseases like blood pressure, diabetes etc. A life style with aerobics to play a part ensures your health and fitness.

o Aerobics helps you recover from any illness very quickly. Even your injuries get cured quickly if you practice aerobics regularly.

o Aerobics improves your muscle power. You get a better physical balance and your body parts move in better coordination. As a result of this improvement, your physical ability to perform your activities is enhanced. Risk of falls and getting injured is greatly minimized.

Aerobics Keeps You Young

Aerobics increases your metabolism. Making appropriate aerobics a regular practice you get the ability to handle physical activities with more confidence and less fatigue. The resulting increase in oxygen consumption makes you healthier and less old.

Another advantage of aerobics is that as one gets aged they cannot perform strenuous strengthening exercises as easily as the young ones. A middle-aged man cannot spend hours at the gym doing difficult workouts. But, middle-aged persons can comfortably do properly formulated set of aerobic exercises.

You need to consult a fitness professional to prescribe you the aerobics that is appropriate for you. He can guide you on what to do, how much to do and when to do. Once this plan is laid out you are all set to delay your biological aging by 12 years.

Turn to aerobics and ward off a dozen years from your age.

Chris McCombs is a personal trainer in Southern California. He has helped hundreds of people with his Costa Mesa Weight Loss program. Chris also owns Positively Fit where he helps Southern California locals get in the best shape of their lives as a Westwood Personal Trainer.

