2011年5月21日 星期六

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How to Get Started With Water Aerobic Exercises

We received an email a while ago which really touched a nerve, it read:

"I am concerned about my Fitness and Health. I do not work set hours so find it hard to get motivated or take the first step towards contacting the local gym. Because I am embarrassed about my weight and size I prefer to do my fitness and health program behind, shall we say, closed doors. I do not want to be pushing weights or running on a treadmill when other people are around. What other types of exercise do you recommend for someone who is 46 years old, has not done a great deal of physical exercise for years and who basically looks like the Michelin Man?"

Our advice to this man was to make an appointment to see us so that we could assess his fitness and health levels. Before undertaking any sort of exercise program it is very important that it is done under medical supervision or, if the person has a clean bill of health, then we can guide him or her with the right choice of exercise.

In the 46 year old's case, he had been to see his doctor and was told he should lose some weight and embark on a fitness and health exercise program. He was pre-diabetic so it was important that he changed his diet and his doctor was able to provide good solid dietary information for him.

We suggested low impact exercises and to help get his fitness and health levels up initially, it was decided that he should do water aerobics three times a week. The physical benefits of water aerobic exercise range from tangible results like weight loss to benefits that are not tangible, like improving blood circulation and heart function, plus the health of your cardiovascular system in general.

Because water buoyancy supports about 90% of your body weight, there is less risk of injury, especially to ligaments and the lower body and leg joints.

Exercising can also improve your immune system and studies have found that people who regularly do exercise have a much lower chance of contracting infectious diseases such as colds and flu.

Water aerobic exercise can also help prevent high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke and cancer. Water aerobic exercise will also improve your general strength while muscle weakness can also affect the strength of your bones.

Water aerobic exercise trains your heart to pump more oxygen rich blood throughout your body.

Most strokes are caused by blood clots making their way into your brain. Regular water aerobic exercises help keep your blood from clotting in your blood vessels.

Fitness and Health Ideas say if you are just starting out with water aerobics, you might be feeling overwhelmed or frightened, especially if you are a non-swimmer. It is true that there are many ways to work out and your fitness and health depends on how hard you work out and move your body, legs and arms. This fast pace causes your heart and lungs to work harder than when you are at rest. Begin your water aerobic exercises with walking on the spot or back and forth in the pool, then try jogging followed by moving your arms up and down. The point of water aerobic exercises is to get your heart and lungs going and the best way to do this is to keep moving like walking, jogging, jumping jacks, moving your arms up and down, from left to right for as many repetitions as you can. This is the best way to start your water aerobic training because you are able to work your way up from nothing to advance classes where you can add weights to your arms, feet and even try placing a basket ball under water, performing a cycling motion using a noodle and all the time your body is getting fitter and healthier. To help keep you motivated you can do your water aerobic exercises to your favourite music or work out a routine to suit the beat of the music.

In water aerobics the combination of routine is limitless and there is something for everyone, even a non-swimmer.

Just standing in neck deep water stimulates circulation, there is a soothing effect on the muscles, the heart in fact recovers more quickly from exertion because it is not working against the force of gravity. The water exercise includes 15 minutes of warming up and ends with 15 minutes of cooling down with ? hour of jogging and exercises in between.

Water Temperature

Water temperature should be between 82? - 85?. Water that is too warm can make you feel sick, whereas colder water can cause pain in stiff or arthritic joints. If you fear water, wear a flotation device and stay in the shallow part of the pool.

Different Strokes

For calorie burning, stroke matters. A 123 pound woman swimming side stroke will burn 68 calories in 10 minutes while a 170 pound man will burn 90 calories. The same woman burns 95 calories with a slow crawl or backstroke and the man, 130 calories.

The breaststroke eats up 91 calories during a 10 minute swim for the woman and 125 calories for the man.

It is amazing when I see men and women in their 80's and 90's performing water aerobics, seemingly effortlessly, yet some find it difficult to walk without some help or walking aides.

The buoyancy of the water relieves any strain on their joints so they are able to perform exercises that they otherwise would not be able to do if they weren't in a pool.

Our 46 year old has now been dieting and exercising for the past 8 weeks. Sticking to his diet and performing his water aerobic fitness and health exercise program, the results are becoming obvious. He has much more stamina, says he feels so much better in himself, he now looks forward to his water aerobic exercise program every second day and the best part is that he has also lost 15 pounds. He will see his doctor in another 4 weeks and will be checked again in relation to his pre-diabetic condition.

If you think water aerobics can help you with a fitness and health exercise program, please contact your local aquatic centre or municipality office to find out where you could join a water aerobics exercise class. Please remember it is important to seek medical advice if you have not done any exercise for a long period of time or you have an underlying health issue. Your doctor will be able to guide you in this matter.

To find out more about water aerobics and the fitness and health benefits to you, go to Fitness and Health Ideas. Don't put off taking action if you believe this type of low impact fitness and health exercise will benefit you. YOU MUST START RIGHT NOW. The exercise will greatly increase your fitness and health plus your physical and mental well being will be better for it.
(c) Copyright Harry Field Publishing LLC.
All Rights Reserved.
Fitness and Health Ideas

2011年5月20日 星期五

Aerobics Imposters

In health clubs, they run classes that call themselves "aerobics". As you will come to see, they are neither aerobic, nor are they the best way to lose the excess fat. The main thing they accomplish for you is losing weight from your wallet.

True Aerobics

The word "aerobic" literally means "with air". It is the opposite of anaerobic (without air). These terms refer to the way in which your cells are providing the energy for your muscles to work. Anaerobic means sugars are being burned without oxygen, which creates a by-product of lactic acid. This lactic acid accumulates in your muscles, causing them to feel like they're burning. Aerobic means that blood sugar and fat are being burned in oxygen, which has only carbon dioxide as a by-product, which you exhale. Low intensity exercise is aerobic because you can inhale enough oxygen to meet your muscles' energy needs. High intensity exercise needs far more energy, but you can't breathe in enough air to keep up, so you feel "out of breath". But your muscles still need the energy, so they switch to anaerobic. However, you can't burn fat in anaerobic mode, only sugars, so you can't keep it up too long, and you're not accomplishing your goal of fat-reduction.

Whatever activity you choose, you know you're in an aerobic mode if you can take deep breaths and carry on a conversation. If you're taking fast, shallow breaths through your mouth, then no matter how slow you may be going or what kind of activity it is, you're doing it anaerobically. Does that mean that walking to the store is aerobic activity? Yes. Most things you do all day are aerobic. For it to be exercise, though, you have to raise your heart rate. So, get the blood flowing by walking fast, and you'll be burning fat in no time.

For aerobic exercise to be effective, it has to be long duration. When you start to move around, your body will burn blood-sugar in oxygen aerobically, but it won't trigger your fat cells to provide any fat to burn right away. Your body would prefer to wait for your next meal to replace the blood sugar. It's only when you show your body that it will need more energy right away that it will recruit fat from your fat stores. Once the fat starts to flow, you have to burn it, or else it will be re-deposited unused. So what does that mean? When you do a low-intensity exercise, it will really do you no good until you pass the 15-20 minute mark. Until then, you are just burning blood-sugar. Once the fat starts to flow, that's when the work really begins, and you should continue exercising and burning that fat for at least 20 more minutes if you continue your low-intensity activity. If you switch to a higher-intensity activity, try to breathe as deeply as possible to continue your aerobic burning.

Use Your Biggest Weapons

If your goal is fat-reduction and you want to achieve it as quickly as possible, you must use your biggest weapons. Larger muscles burn more energy than smaller muscles. Therefore, your choice of exercise should make use of your largest muscles, which are your gluteus maximus and your quadriceps... your butt and your thighs. Walking, jogging, stair climbing, cross country skiing, rollerblading and bicycling are all great examples of activities you can keep up for a long period of time, while breathing deeply and using your largest muscles. Swimming, unfortunately, is mostly an upper-body activity, no matter how hard you think you're kicking.

The arm movements that you see some "power-walkers" doing, as well as the complicated patterns in "aerobics" classes at the gym are doing nothing to speed up weight loss. Arm swinging can improve your circulation and keep your mind occupied, but is not necessary, and certainly is no substitute for a good leg workout.

High Intensity Usefulness

High intensity exercise has it's good points, though. It is important to remember that a well-conditioned heart and lungs can fight heart disease and stroke, and makes all forms of exercise more effective. The only way to improve the function of your heart and lungs is to push them harder than normal, into the anaerobic side of things. When you're struggling for breath, breathing rapidly, and your heart is pumping at its maximum, you are making them more powerful and prolonging your life. Although anaerobic exercise does not burn fat while you're doing it, the exercise itself raises your metabolism so that you burn fat afterward for several hours. This is because your body is replacing all the energy you used. My other recommendations can be found in my article on Exercise.

Those high-intensity classes offered by health clubs are good for some people, but there's no good reason for you to join one if you've never done it before. For some people, it makes the workout fun, which is a great motivator. The coach or instructor is also a great source of motivation because they encourage you to continue and push harder. Many people need that. Just remember that it is NOT aerobic exercise. The complicated patterns and arm movements serve no purpose, and if you can't keep up for more than 20 minutes, it may be a waste of time. For most men (and women) it is far better to do a nice low-intensity warm up for 20 minutes, followed by a moderate to high intensity run or bike for another 10-15 minutes. To get the best aerobic benefits, try to breathe deeply throughout, because that's what aerobics is really about!

Aerobics is good, but there are better exercises for weight loss, read my article called Exercise: Essential.

Aerobic exercise can be a part of your weight-loss equation. But the most important part you can't find in a gym, learn more on my site.

David "Mr. Weightless" McCormick is the founder of Weightless Products, the best weight loss program for men. In his series of articles, he covers everything every man needs to know to lose weight fast and keep burning fat. There are no banners, no pop-up ads, no need to sign up, all articles are available in full for FREE. Wait Less for Weight Loss, visit Mr. Weightless today!

New York Yankees Tire Cover

New York Yankees Tire CoverPlease note: These tire covers only fit tires with a maximum diameter of 29 inches. Unfortunately, this tire cover does not fit most newer Jeeps. Please measure your vehicle's spare tire to ensure proper fit. These great tiere covers are made with a heavy gauge vinyl that has an elastic tie down for an easy fit. It's also water resistant, and wipes clean with a damp cloth.

Price: $49.99

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2011年5月19日 星期四

Tae-Bo Workout (SET OF 4: Basic, Instructional, Advanced, 8-minute Workout) [VHS]

Tae-Bo Workout (SET OF 4: Basic, Instructional, Advanced, 8-minute Workout) [VHS]Billed as the "future of fitness" and hawked by numerous celebrities, Billy Blanks's Tae-Bo actually deserves much of the hype it's receiving. A mixture of boxing punches and martial arts kicks, Tae-Bo is fun and easy. One of the best elements of this four-tape set is that the first tape (which is 40 minutes long), Tae-Bo: Instructional, lays out the movements you need to successfully complete a workout. Once you've mastered the steps, you won't have to fast-forward through half the tape to get to the workout, nor will your workout be slowed down by the repeated lessons. After you feel comfortable with the movements (and they're really quite easy to follow; nothing too complicated to trip you up), you're ready to move on to Tae-Bo: Basics, a 27-minute workout (5 minutes of warm-up, 18 minutes of Tae-Bo, and 4 minutes of cool-down) that will have your heart pounding and your body sweating. Next comes Advanced, a 57-minute workout that will have your heart racing, pulse pounding, and sweat glands working overtime. There's razzmatazz on the moves, with slightly more complicated combinations that should be fairly easy to master if you've completed the first two tapes. This video seriously raises the bar on the difficulty factor.

In addition to the short warm-up, the cool-down, and the 30 minutes of Tae-Bo, Advanced Tae-Bo also includes 18 minutes of muscle-crunching floor work. You know you're in trouble when even the guys in the tape have trouble keeping up. Make sure you have truly mastered the first two tapes before attempting this one. The 8-Minute Workout is a highly compacted workout (actually 14 minutes long when you include warm-up and cool-down) for those days when you're too short on time for Basic or Advanced. While the 8-minute idea is compelling, it's not an adequate substitute for the longer workouts. Blanks, a seven-time World Martial Arts champion, is a superb instructor, providing encouragement and careful instruction (if you don't know by the end of the tape to hold in your stomach, that's no one's fault but your own). The only downside to these tapes is the less-than-exciting music. Not only is Tae-Bo great exercise for all levels, but the punches and kicks are wonderful for working out stress and aggression. This is the aerobics exercise video for people who are bored by aerobics. --Jenny Brown

Price: $29.98

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Clor Mor Septic Sewage System Chlorine Tablets - 7.2lbs

Clor Mor Septic Sewage System Chlorine Tablets - 7.2lbsClor Mor Septic Tabs 7.2lbs

For Aerobic Septic Systems, Sewage and Waste Water Applications

Clor Mor Septic Tabs are formulated to achieve dependable and effective chlorine disinfection for residential and commercial wastewater treatment systems. These tablets are designed for the unpredictable flow rates that are associated with aerobic septic systems. When used as directed, in an approved tablet feeder, this product allows the system to meet state and local regulatory disinfection requirements. These tablets supply beneficial chlorine residual that provides a long lasting bacterial kill by continually destroying undesirable microorganisms entering the wastewater stream. Disinfection of secondary wastewater is generally attained within fifteen minutes of contact with these tablets. Clor Mor Septic Tabs are the economical and convenient alternative to more expensive and hazardous liquid or gas systems, and can be used in all aerobic wastewater treatment systems utilizing approved tablet feeders. Slow Dissolving & Highly Effective. Convenient & easy to use. Leaves no residue. Continuous chlorine residual aids in killing harmful bacteria.


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2011年5月18日 星期三

How to Become a Professional Aerobic Instructor

If you want to earn some extra income then teaching aerobics or taking fitness classes of groups, is a nice way to it. As an aerobic instructor you can meet new people also and while you are teaching them you get your own workouts. All that you need is a little idea about the exercises, safety measures and cues; and as an aerobic instructor you earn as well as take care of your health and others' too.

If you are planning to become a professional aerobic instructor then just follow the easy steps given below:

To become an aerobic instructor you must have experience in different forms of aerobics exercise. They include kickboxing, water aerobics, step aerobics, high and low intensity aerobics and sports conditioning.

To become an aerobic instructor you must have Knowledge of first aid and CPR. These skills are required in most certifications.

Before you proceed with professional aerobic instructor training you yourself must understand all the aspects of fitness related topics. For this you must take classes or read books on anatomy, exercise physiology, Kinesiology, and various other motivational techniques.

To become an aerobic instructor you must have certificates from organizations which are recognized nationally. They are the American Council on Exercise (ACE), the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) or the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

There are many institutes which 'teach how to teach'. They teach you how to plan and teach a fitness class as an aerobic instructor. You can practice giving cues or verbal instructions there.

In the beginning you may try to practice being an aerobic instructor with your family or friends.

You may attach yourself to an aerobic instructor who is more experienced and take small groups in his class and gradually gain experience.

The music that you select for your class as an aerobic instructor must be the one which sets the mood and gradually transits to higher levels.

Before striking out on your own as an aerobic instructor, you may teach for a while in local gyms, various health clubs and hospitals.

A few practical tips are given here for an aerobic instructor

Very often, gyms provide extra aerobic instructor training, master classes or continued education for master trainers. They are paid on class basis and it depends on the background, experience and feedback received from the students. The aerobic instructor is also given free membership by some health clubs. However you must remember that you are there to safely motivate and train others and not do your own workouts. You must also follow the safety guidelines very closely.

For more informative articles on aerobics fitness & general fitness please visit [http://www.stayfitforlife.info] or click on the links to be sent directly to the article page of the link above!

2011年5月17日 星期二

Surf Ski Supremacy - Come Fly With Me

This eBook teaches people how to fly over the ocean, down waves and across the sea, powered by their own strength, in a racing surf ski. There is nothing like the satisfaction you can get from riding these craft well. Pays a generous 50% commission.

Check it out!

2011年5月16日 星期一

The Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercises

Many people mistakenly believe that all vigorous forms of exercise are aerobic in nature. However, some forms of vigorous exercise are actually anaerobic, and have a very different effect on the body. If you're just getting started on an exercise regimen, this information will help you sort out the difference between the two and tailor your workouts accordingly.

So exactly what is the definition of aerobic exercise? Aerobic means "with oxygen," where anaerobic is "without oxygen." No, that doesn't entail holding your breath while exercising! Rather, it refers to cellular tissues producing energy without having to rely on oxygen availability. Alternatively, you may have guessed that aerobic exercise requires large supplies of oxygen to generate energy. The fundamental difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises is that simple.

A more detailed definition is that during aerobic exercise, activity is so sustained that it requires large amounts of oxygen. The muscles utilize oxygen to burn fat and glucose to manufacture adenosine triphosphate (ATP) - the basic energy vehicle for all cells in the body. During the initial stages of aerobic exercise, glycogen is transformed into glucose. If glucose stores become depleted, fat is metabolized as fuel. It's interesting to note that "runner's high" occurs when muscles have exhausted their immediate glycogen stores and begin relying only on oxygen, which releases endorphins in the brain.

During anaerobic exercise, the muscles being used rely on energy-producing processes that don't require large amounts of oxygen. Instead, the body metabolizes muscle glycogen to produce power. Glycogen is supplied by blood sugar, which is manufactured by the liver from dietary amino acids and carbohydrates--whole grain, of course! Anaerobic exercise is so fast and brief that it doesn't have time to rely on oxygen, so glycogen is used.

Some people mistakenly believe that aerobic exercise makes you small and weak. However, it actually tones muscle throughout your body and burns fat. This will make you look good in your bathing suit--not to mention your birthday suit! The effects that aerobic activity has on your body are not merely cosmetic - there are numerous health bonuses, such as:

· Improved circulation and lower blood pressure

· Increased lung capacity through stronger respiratory muscles

· A stronger heart, which boosts pumping efficiency and lowers the resting heart rate

· Increased red blood cell count, which transports oxygen more efficiently throughout the entire body

· Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

The effects that anaerobic exercise has on your body involves being able to deliver powerful performance on demand. That comes in handy when sprinting to the finish line, or making a break to score after stealing the ball. Muscles that are anaerobically trained develop differently, which boosts their performance in brief, high-intensity situations. Benefits include:

· Stronger bones

· Reduced muscle atrophy with age

· Increased speed and power

· Increased muscle strength and mass

It's important to understand the different types of exercises that produce an aerobic vs. anaerobic effect. Anaerobic benefits are produced by brief, high-intensity activities, while in the aerobic zone, effort is moderate with a steady heart rate.

Specific types of anaerobic exercise include tennis, weight lifting, sprinting and jumping. If you'd prefer not to frequent a gym, weight lifting can be performed in the comfort of your own home. A few dumb-bells, a weight bench and medicine ball are all you need.

Some good aerobic exercises are walking, running, swimming, cycling, cross-country skiing and rowing. Fortunately, you can do aerobic exercises at home: riding an exercise bike, walking on a treadmill, or following an exercise video - the choices are virtually endless. This is particularly helpful if it's rainy or drastically cold outdoors. Also, depending on where you live, going snow-shoeing, hiking or kayaking is possible without ever having to step foot in the car!

Combining aerobic and anaerobic exercise is essential to maintaining overall balanced fitness. While most associate getting into shape with aerobic activities, anaerobic exercise is a beneficial complement to aerobic exercise. For example, weight lifting is a great way to add even more tone and definition beyond what aerobic training provides.

Be sure to check with your physician before beginning any exercise regimen. Also, it's very important to begin any exercise program slowly. Many people overdo it and lose motivation or worse yet, sustain injury. You may experience a little soreness the day after working out in the beginning; but if you are so sore that you can only work out one or two times per week it is counter-productive. Make exercise a healthy habit by doing a little every day; you can increase the intensity as you build endurance and strength over time.

Of course, a daily exercise routine is just one factor in the equation for optimum health. You should also enjoy a nutritious and delicious diet, get eight hours of sleep every night, say no habits such as smoking and excessive drinking, and make sure you get the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals that your body needs to look and feel its best.

Want to learn more about the role of Joint Support [http://www.naturalfitsupplements.com/jointsupportnutritionalsupplements.html] and the Best Bodybuilding [http://www.naturalfitsupplements.com/bestbodybuildingsupplements.html] supplements as part of fitness program? Visit us at Natural Fit Supplements [http://www.naturalfitsupplements.com]

Aerobics DVD - Insider Tips

I bought my first aerobics DVD 3 years ago, and have not used it since. I don't remember what it was named - I have since misplaced it somewhere in the back deferral of my home, and have not seen it in months, but I do remember some things about it. It was bright pink, and had some smile guy in spandex and big hair on the cover, recounting you to get thin. I idea that the aerobic DVD would actuate me to get my rear in shape, but it was not to be. Instead, my brand new aerobic DVD just decided to sit in the corner, gathering dust spell I sat on the sofa, growth fatter and less in form.

My s workout picture was a measure aerobics DVD, but it do no better. I think I did try that particular aerobic DVD a couple of modern world, but to no service. I just felt so silly sitting there at home, ripple on with a socio-economical class on film who were not flush in the room with me, pretending that I was make something that was not completely pathetic. I just could not make it a part of my modus operandi. I had originally planned to set out each day with the aerobic DVD and a shower, but when I would get out of bed in the morning, it was the fillet point thing that I wanted to do.

I have had triplet of four aerobic DVDs since then and, to be honest with you, none of them have made the fast one at all. It merely is not that fun to do aerobics by yourself in the life room, observance your aerobic DVD on the television. Nothing really happened to get me in shape from watching the aerobic DVD. Eventually, I had to do what I had been dreading all on; I had to join a gym.

Onetime I get down to get my workout from aerobics social socio-economic class and not an aerobic DVD, it of a sudden get so much easier to stick with the program. The classes got me out of my house, and the people in them were so encouraging, that I just could not aid myself. Almost like a shot, I was aquiline on pickings physical exercise socio-economic class to get in shape. It was like you could not get me away from them. Meanwhile, every aerobic DVD I have ever owned quietly gathers dust in the house of a newer, fitter me.

Jay Moncliff is the founder of [http://aerobic.w3portal.info] a website specialized on Aerobic [http://aerobic.w3portal.info], resources and articles. More info at:

aerobic [http://aerobic.w3portal.info].

2011年5月15日 星期日


AirborneUsing tried, true, and tested aerobic teaching techniques and a modern take on choreography, Marcus Irwin takes you on a workout journey that is high, low, and any which way you can go. Traditional, dance, and athletic-style choreography bases are all covered.


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2011年5月14日 星期六

Northwest New England Patriots Gridiron Fleece Throw

Northwest New England Patriots Gridiron Fleece ThrowSnuggle up in warmth while you watch the big game with this officially licensed NFLR team Gridiron fleece throw from Northwest. The fleece throw can be rolled or folded into a very compact size, making it ideal for slumber parties, traveling, or tailgating. The 100% polyester throw is boldly emblazoned with the team logo and colors.

Price: $29.99

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Set of 5 ProSource Premium Latex Resistance Exercise Bands Tubes Cords w/ Door Anchor and Exercise Manual.

Set of 5 ProSource Premium Latex Resistance Exercise Bands Tubes Cords w/ Door Anchor and Exercise Manual.The number one selling set of resistance bands on Amazon.com. Don't believe us that this product is high quality? Look at all the reviews. Don't be fooled by the imitators, get that beach body you always wanted courtesy of Source Fitness! All the bands measure 48 inches, and include cushioned foam handles to ensure a secure, comfortable grip. Plus, the bands come with a convenient door anchor, so you can do your exercises anywhere in the house.

Resistance bands are a great alternative to free weights and workout machines. They are also perfect for all types of physical therapy including rehabbing torn rotator cuffs, bad elbows, and damaged knees. This resistance bands set is light and compact enough to travel with you anywhere and supports some of the latest workout routines, including but not limited to P90X, CrossFit, Slimin6, Insanity and TurboJam.

Don't buy cheap knockoffs. Train like a Pro, train with Source™

Yellow: 2-5 lbs

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Price: $59.99

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2011年5月13日 星期五

Will the Raised Aerobed Damage My Back?

Is The Raised Aerobed Right For Back Pain Sufferers?

Well is the aerobed and other air beds bad for your back? Well I cant speak for other air mattresses but I can tell you that the raised aerobed will not hurt or aggravate your back. Most people have had a bed night sleep on a bad air mattress and then lump all air beds into this category, and I can see why they would ask this question.

Avoid those cheap air beds that deflate under you as you sleep as it could cause irreparable damage. If you suffer from back pain you should especially stay way from these cheapos.

I hate when a air bed deflates during the night, this gives my back a beating These cheap knockoffs will grind your spine into powder during the night.It can take you years to get back the full functionality of your back after sleeping on such a bed.

The Aerobed will stay at your set comfort level all night long because of its superior seals and valves.

If you suffer from back issues like me and you have been advices by your physician to sleep on a firm stable surface, then the raised aerobed will be just that.

Sagging and leaking air bed is a thing of the past with the aerobeds, with just a touch of a button you can have the comfort level that you need to get a goo nights sleep. No need to worry, the aerobed will keep its shape and firmness all night long, finally sleep in complete comfort on a air bed.

The puncture proof heavy PVC vinyl material that has been electronically welded will give you both durability and stability,the raised aerobed will always hold its shape and never leak during the night.. The aero beds are superior and top of the line when it comes to air mattress.

The raised aerobed has a patent design to prevent the bed swaying from side to side, and allows ease of mount and dismount with safety and ease.

Inflate and deflate the bed with the press of a button even while you are on the bed, this is because of the built in hands free pump.

Within 60 second you can inflate of deflate the raised aerobed, it can be stored away in its durable carry bag, Walk with your own bed when you head out of town and know that you will get the proper night sleep that you deserve.

the aerobeds comes in twin, double, queen

Enjoy Your Raised Aerobed.

To learn more about the Raised Aerobed and it's benefits visit Aerobed Inflatable bed.

2011年5月12日 星期四

Slowing the Aging Process With Aerobics

Can you think of anyone who wouldn't want to be, look or at least feel younger if they could? Despite the years everyone loves to look young. You can't bring back the years that are gone. But do you know ways exist to keep you young? Yes. Aerobics shows the way. Aerobic exercises keep one younger. If you do aerobic exercises regularly you can ward off at least a decade from your aging process. Incorporating aerobics in your life postpones your biological aging by around 12 years.

How Aerobics Delay Aging?

Aerobic exercises increase the amount of oxygen you consume. Oxygen consumed is used to generate energy for your activities by the process termed metabolism. Aerobics increase your oxygen consumption and metabolism.

The power of aerobics to increase your metabolism and oxygen consumption actually decrease with age. Research has revealed that aerobic power decreases by 5 ml/kg for every ten years. A sixty-year-old man has aerobic power that is less than half of what he had at twenty.

The aerobic power has to be more than 18 ml for men and 15 ml for women in order to engage in any physical activity without experiencing tiredness or fatigue. Good news is that aerobics greatly help to increase this aerobic power. If you practice high intensity aerobic exercises for a prolonged duration, you can increase the maximal aerobic power by 25 percent. You can appreciate the implication of this percentage if I tell you that this 25 percent increase accounts for a delay in biological aging by 12 years!

The above information is a scientifically tested fact. This analysis has been published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. It is a proven concept that if the oxygen consumption by an adult person increases his overall health increases. He gets the ability to be more active.

Aerobic Advantages

o Jogging or other such aerobic exercises reduce the risk of many serious diseases like blood pressure, diabetes etc. A life style with aerobics to play a part ensures your health and fitness.

o Aerobics helps you recover from any illness very quickly. Even your injuries get cured quickly if you practice aerobics regularly.

o Aerobics improves your muscle power. You get a better physical balance and your body parts move in better coordination. As a result of this improvement, your physical ability to perform your activities is enhanced. Risk of falls and getting injured is greatly minimized.

Aerobics Keeps You Young

Aerobics increases your metabolism. Making appropriate aerobics a regular practice you get the ability to handle physical activities with more confidence and less fatigue. The resulting increase in oxygen consumption makes you healthier and less old.

Another advantage of aerobics is that as one gets aged they cannot perform strenuous strengthening exercises as easily as the young ones. A middle-aged man cannot spend hours at the gym doing difficult workouts. But, middle-aged persons can comfortably do properly formulated set of aerobic exercises.

You need to consult a fitness professional to prescribe you the aerobics that is appropriate for you. He can guide you on what to do, how much to do and when to do. Once this plan is laid out you are all set to delay your biological aging by 12 years.

Turn to aerobics and ward off a dozen years from your age.

Chris McCombs is a personal trainer in Southern California. He has helped hundreds of people with his Costa Mesa Weight Loss program. Chris also owns Positively Fit where he helps Southern California locals get in the best shape of their lives as a Westwood Personal Trainer.

2011年5月10日 星期二

Important Facts About Steps Aerobics You Should Know

If you are an enthusiastic fan of most aerobic exercises, you may have considered escalating your workout intensity with step aerobics equipment. The objective of participating in step aerobics are the mostly the same as other aerobics workouts which is to raise your heart rate and maintain it for at least twenty minutes and at the same time toning your muscles and burning fat. Step aerobics will help you achieve all these goals, while adding an extra dimension to your exercise program. To start with step aerobics program, you can sign up for a step aerobics class, or you can purchase the stepper with the instructional videos learn to do it at home.

The advantages of step aerobics are:

1) It adds extra fun to your regular exercise routine

2) It is simple and easy to learn

3) The equipment is fairly cheap

4) It utilizes the large muscles of the lower legs which helps strengthen those muscles

5) It strengthens the tendons and ligaments that connect the muscles and the bones to each other

How To Use Step Aerobics Equipment

You can buy a book or video or even join the local gymnasium to learn step aerobics. However, you can also simply begin with simple exercises by just stepping onto the platform and then stepping down. These simple exercises can then progress steadily from simple steps to more complicated aerobics routines.

Besides that, you can also increase the rapidity of the steps or raise the aerobics step platform which will result in increased fitness and skill. The step aerobics exercises can grow in complexity as you become more proficient.

The step aerobics exercise are usually choreographed to music just like other aerobics routines, but instead of exercising with side to side movements on the floor, you will be exercising vertically by stepping up and down from the platform of your stepper. The most important thing to an effective workout is to be observant of your posture. Always keep your head up, your shoulders back, and your back straight as you do your workout. When stepping onto the platform, your foot should be solidly on the surface and when you step down from it, your feet should stay close to the back of the stepper. This is to avoid the back strain of lunging backwards.

When you step on a steps aerobics platform there is no shock experienced by your joints.

Cost Of Step Aerobics Equipment

If you have decided to purchase your own set of step aerobics equipment, you should know that it will cost you anywhere from $30 to $100. However, if you can afford to purchase a higher end model, you will get some advantage. These more expensive models are usually adjustable in height so that it can accommodate different skill levels or workout intensities.

For a beginner a four inch step is sufficient, but when you increase your intensity, you can raise the aerobics stepper in two-inch increments. This is why the more expensive model which is adjustable may be more economical in the long run.

However, if you have a low budget, or you want to try out step aerobics without buying the equipment first, any household item can be an adequate substitute. You can use things such as a block of wood, a milk crate, or, even a short stool which can act as a raised platform for you to start practicing step aerobics.

Precautions To Take During Step Aerobics

As with any regular exercise activities, there are certain precautions that you should take when participating in step aerobics. One such precaution is to make sure that you execute step aerobics exercise routines properly.

Some of the proper techniques of working out with step aerobics are:

1) Stepping up onto the platform using the entire soul of your foot

2) Being close to the step when stepping up

3) Alternate the legs used to step up and down

4) Perform no more than five consecutive step ups per leg

5) Do not allow your knee to lock

6) Step up to and down from the step softly

Other precautions you must take include utilizing a step or platform that is at the proper height. This range is usually determined by the expertise of the step aerobic exercise participant. A height of four inches is usually suitable for a beginner and a 12 inches high platform only suitable for an expert.

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit aerobics workout to learn more about step aerobics routine and other aerobics class instructions.

Aerobics Clothing And Fashion

Keeping fit and healthy can never be relied on dieting or eating a proper diet alone. It requires you to go out and sweat a little. For people with more serious fitness and health problem, they may be even required to exercise a little arduous.

When it comes to physical exercises, most would seek professional help from the clubs or the gyms, depending on their needs. Aerobics classes are one of the most popular exercise regimens that most women enroll with.

When you enter these classes you got to be armed with the proper clothing and gears. This is because with this kind of activity you need to be more comfortable than ever as high chances are you would be doing strenuous tasks that would produce tons of perspiration from your body.

Aerobics are great physical activities and one of the easiest exercise routines for the most effective way in keeping you fit and healthy. On the other hand, when you are not properly clothed, you would not enjoy the activity. Most likely, the lack of comfort brought by the improper aerobics clothing may end you up not comfortable with the aerobics moves.

Thus, it would be most unfortunate when you don't want to return to the class anymore thinking that it is not the right program for you but in fact it is merely the inappropriate aerobics clothing you are donning which were actually causing you real discomfort.

In that case, choosing and wearing proper aerobics clothing should be considered an integral part for starting with the activity. You must remember that aerobics clothing is one motivational tool to get started and be comfortable with the classes. Inappropriate clothing is always not a good idea; it will make you extremely uncomfortable leading you uninterested with the aerobics activity.

The best way to select the appropriate aerobics clothing is to consider how fit and comfortable it is with you. Contrary to early practice of wearing tight-skinned black leggings and top when doing those exercises, loose, comfortable wear is always a smart choice. Unlike with the former, which would restrict your moves with the particular exercise, loose aerobics clothing will allow you to move with the best blood flow for the most parts of your body.

Aerobics has great value in improving fitness and losing weight, it is also a great way to build a solid daily routine, learn about the way you can start working out and having fun with aerobics and get good Aerobics Equipment tips and information, visit aerobic.advice-tips.com

2011年5月9日 星期一

Health Benefits of Aerobic Dancing

Aerobic dancing involves moving your legs in fast steps. Aerobic dance can help you to lose weight. It produces the same weight loss effect as other exercises such as walking, swimming and jogging. It is estimated that your body burn 200 - 400 calories in half an hour. If you perform aerobic dancing, your body will be kept in good shape. Aerobic dancing can be performed by both men and women.

This type of dancing can reduce you daily stress. If you often feel stressful after a hard day work, you can consider performing the aerobic dance. It is recommended that the aerobic dance workout for 30 minute. After the aerobic session, your stress will relieved and you feel more relaxed. By performing the aerobic dancing regularly, your self esteem will improve. It can also be performed to suppress depression feeling.

This type of dancing can help to maintain your high blood pressure. It can lower the bad cholesterol level and increase the good cholesterol level in your body. It ensures good blood circulation and prevents the plaque from building up in your arteries. Besides, it can help to curb the diabetes type 2, and a number of cancers. Aerobic dancing makes your bone strong so that you are less vulnerable to osteoporosis. Senior people should perform aerobic dancing to lower the chances of bone loss.

This type of dancing increases your overall energy level. During the aerobic session, you will breathe in more air and oxygen through the vigorous physical activity. The oxygen and nutrients will be delivered to your cardiovascular system.

This type of dancing can help you to have a better sleep. If you find it hard to sleep, you should not take sleeping pills. Instead, you should perform the dance. Regular aerobic dancing will help you to fall asleep in a short time. When you exercise, your body will fall asleep faster. In addition, it can also help you to sleep for a longer time. It is best that you perform the aerobic dancing in the morning or afternoon. You should not perform dancing near to the bedtime. Performing aerobic dance near to bedtime will cause you to feel too energetic and unable to sleep.

This type of dancing is a type of social activities. In the aerobic classes, it is performed along with a group of participants. During the aerobic session, you can socialize and develop social ties with other participants.

For more information, visit lyricaldance.org. They offer information on lyrical dance, as well as choreographing a lyrical dance.

2011年5月8日 星期日

Aerobics - 30 Minutes to a Healthier Life

The definition of aerobics is with oxygen. Aerobic exercise is a combination of physical exercise, strength training and stretching. It is recommended that individuals get between 30 minutes to 1 hour of aerobic activity a day.

In addition to controlling body weight, aerobic activity has numerous health benefits. Exercise reduces the systemic inflammation that can lead to the development of heart disease. In addition, exercise helps to increase good cholesterol while decreasing bad. It also makes the heart pump more efficiently, thus becoming stronger. Having a stronger heart allows for a healthier lifestyle, controls weight, and leads to a sense of well-being. Theses changes can help control blood pressure levels.

Another health benefit of aerobic exercise is that it helps to reduce the risk of developing diabetes by letting glucose metabolize in the body and allowing for a normal blood sugar level to be maintained. In patients with Type 2 diabetes, aerobics helps to improve the efficiency of the body by raising tissue sensitivity to insulin. Exercise produces more glucose to be pressed out of the blood stream and enter the cells, helping in the decreasing of glucose in the blood.

Incorporating exercise into a daily routing reduces obesity by controlling weight, helps to reduce and control body fat, and improves body muscle strength and flexibility. Aerobics also helps with the over all quality of life by improving sleep, reducing fatigue, increasing energy levels, improving mood, reducing depression, stress and anxiety. It increases endorphins, which make the outlook on life more positive, prevents certain cancers and may help to increase longevity all while being happier.

In order to get the most benefits out of aerobic exercise, it is important to get the heart within target heart range. This is done by the calculated age method. Starting with the number 220, age is subtracted and that number is multiplied by 70 percent. Although this method is not totally accurate since people are at different levels of fitness ability, it does give a safe starting point. The American Heart Association recommends a range between 50 percent and 75 percent of maximum heart rate. Exercising at a target heart rate is the best way to get the most out of daily exercise and reap its benefits.

Aerobics came about when a physician named Dr. Kenneth Cooper developed a series of exercises used to prevent coronary artery disease. Dr. Cooper authored a book in 1968 called Aerobics, that detailed his exercises which included running, swimming, bicycling and walking.

Aerobic dance came about shortly after Dr. Coopers book was published, by a woman named Jackie Sorenson. She developed dance routines that were found to improve cardiovascular fitness.

In 1983, Howard and Karen Schwartz developed sportaerobics. In 1984 the first national aerobic championship was organized, and in 2002 the competition consisted of 6 athletes performing a 1 minute 45 second routine done to music. The judges based their score of up to 10 points each on artistic and technical merit. In 1996 sportaerobics was changed to gymnastique discipline.

In conclusion, incorporating aerobic activities into a lifestyle will help to burn calories, lose weight and help to live a longer, happier and healthier life.

An aerobics workout should raise your heartbeat for an extended period of time. They say that you should continue your aerobics workout for at least twenty minutes. Bear in mind, if you're exercising in water you will need water aerobic shoes. You can get free advice and useful info on our website.

Useful Background for Aerobic Fitness Training

Aerobic fitness training preferably should improve an individuals oxygen consumption. The workout implies that we breathe deeply enough to incorporate the usage of our respiratory system in such a way that it maintains it.

Usually, aerobic fitness training programs are performed for long periods of time to encourage the cardiovascular activity as well as get the blood to provide oxygen to many the different parts of the body. This boosts the function and capacity of some organs.

Aerobic exercises entail the gain of the larger muscle groups as an alternative to the smaller ones. Arms and legs are among the muscle groups commonly used in aerobic exercises. Many individuals prefer the entire body use of aerobic exercises compared to anaerobic exercises that target specific muscle groups. Aerobic exercises are also done in small groups that can be fun for most participants.

Aerobic Fitness Training Schedule

The aerobic fitness training schedule usually starts with a mild warm-up at a slow pace. This warm-up period is good for those who have yet to start the aerobic fitness training. Usually, the warm up period lasts for just around five minutes of moderately paced aerobic activity, after which come the heavy exercises.

The primary aerobic fitness training usually lasts for a little over twenty minutes or up to an hour, determined by the level of the group doing the activity. This is amount of time has been studied and proven to obtain beneficial effects for the respiratory and circulatory systems of our bodies.

Maximum Aerobic Capacity

Individuals have a maximum aerobic capacity. This is the most that people can stand when doing cardiovascular activities.The end of the aerobic fitness training is a cooling down period, which is very similar to the warming up period before the main body of the aerobic exercises.

Abrupt starting and stopping of aerobic exercises are not encouraged since this can compromise the heart. The warm up and cool down periods are utilized to obtain the heart to accelerate and decelerate in a natural way.

Recommended Aerobic Schedule

Experts advise that individuals go for aerobic fitness training exercises at least three to five days a week. Each activity also has a recommended duration, which is about twenty to sixty minutes of continuous movement.

The duration of each aerobic session is determined by the agility and level of the performers. Additionally it is recommended that aerobic exercise be integrated with other forms of exercises including weight or resistance training.

Jessie has been writing articles, both online and offline, for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this author specialize in diet, dating, fitness and weight loss, you can also check out her latest website on Firming lotion which reviews and discuss about maintaining toned body with body firming cream

2011年5月7日 星期六

Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer

Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket PedometerContents: 1 pedometer, 1 pedometer holder with Spring Clip, 1 Pedometer strap, 1 clip for strap, 1 battery screwdriver, 1 instruction manual, 1 CR2032 battery.The Easy Way to Weight Loss and Improved Health!Walking is a popular and easy way to better health. Reach for a goal of 10,000 steps a day to improve both your physical and mental health. Put it in a pocket, bag or on your waist in the horizontal or vertical position for proven, accurate results.Attain your weight loss quickerThe Omron Pedometer counts total steps, aerobic steps, duration of aerobic walk, calories consumed by walking and distance. 7-Day memory tracks your daily progress. The Aerobic Step CounterAerobic steps means burning more calories, resulting in faster weight loss. In addition, aerobic steps can improve your cardiovascular endurance. The Omron Pedometer tracks aerobic steps separately, making it easier to attain your goals. Aerobic steps start counting after 10 minutes on continuous walking or running.The large display lets you quickly check your progress throughout the day. Now you can see how far you've gone or how many calories you've burned.

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2011年5月5日 星期四

What are the Real Benefits of Aerobic Exercise?

In today's busy world filled with prescription drugs and crash dieting, the benefits of aerobic exercise are often overlooked. Aerobic exercise is the best way to maintain a healthy weight, and it is also beneficial to heart health, bone strength, mental acuity and disease prevention. Aerobic exercise health benefits are a long lasting and inexpensive way to keep you looking and feeling great from the moment you start until old age.

The aerobic exercise benefit is so great because of the way our bodies respond to the increased need for oxygen that comes along with aerobic exercise. As you start to work out, the circulatory system responds by pushing itself harder; the heart enlarges and beats faster. One of the most important benefits of aerobic exercise is that after weeks of aerobics, the heart actually grows, just like any other muscle that receives a healthy workout on a regular basis.

The increased heart size in turn means that in day to day activity it doesn't have to work as hard; you will find yourself climbing stairs without being out of breath and able to walk or run longer distances with less difficulty. Your body becomes more efficient and better able to handle the everyday tasks that it encounters.

Aerobic exercise health benefits are not contained to just heart health, either. As with any regular physical activity, one of the benefits of aerobic exercise is a healthier looking body. As you work out regularly, your muscles respond by hardening and becoming leaner; fat is burned off. This can leave you looking years younger. The aerobic exercise benefit to the way you look isn't merely aesthetic; greater muscle density contributes to bone strength, which reduces the risk of breaking bones later in life. Losing weight also greatly reduces the risk of developing diseases such as diabetes and it also lowers cholesterol.

But perhaps one of the greatest benefits of aerobic exercise is that is a completely natural way to do something wonderful for your body. Without the help of drugs or expensive programs, you can achieve aerobic health benefits: a healthier heart, stronger bones and muscles, a reduced risk of disease and a younger, leaner body. The wide range of aerobic exercise benefit to human health is impossible to deny. Before embarking on an aerobic exercise plan, however, you should check with your primary physician; and before you know it all the aerobic exercise health benefits will be yours.

Stan Rogers is an alternative health researcher and an expert in natural healing. He is a contributor to many health sites, including the Home Gym Reviews section of http://www.fitness-events.com, a site about fitness, health and exercise.

2011年5月4日 星期三

The Best Form Of Aerobic Activity

Aerobic activity is the best way of keeping fit and healthy. There are so many different forms the majority of which are free! Have you tried water aerobics or aqua aerobics? Maybe you prefer a more traditional aerobic exercise like step aerobics or dance aerobics. Don't forget any kind of exercise which increases the heartbeat is an aerobic exercise, even fast walking but obviously some are more effective at increasing your aerobic fitness than others.

However should you find yourself sitting on your couch all the time and feeling emotionally uninspired, then maybe you should do something about it and start to exercise, if so try some aerobic activity to start with. This is a great choice of exercise for fitness to start with as it's enjoyable and you can even encourage a friend or two to keep you company. You'll be surprised how much fun it is and you'll be getting aerobic exercise at the same time.

This type of activity uses the larger muscles which helps you maintain a fitter and healthy lifestyle. One small word of caution though before you pull on your trainers and get started with any aerobic activity. Make sure if you have any kind of medical issues that you check with your physician first. It's always better to be safe than sorry and maybe damage your health. If your doc gives you the go ahead for aerobic exercise then check out the different types of exercise that will get your heart going as your heart performance is a vital part of aerobic activity. Maybe try water aerobics first as it is low intensive before trying step aerobics or dance aerobics which are a little more high intensive.

You'll discover that there are a huge number of ways to exercise that you might have tried at one time or another, that are aerobic in nature. Cycling, walking, dance, swimming or even skating are popular forms of aerobic activity that large numbers use to get their muscles pumping, and their heart rate up. Always use a light warm up first and give your body and muscles a stretch. When you are finished have a warm down period too enabling you to stretch your muscles. Of course all of these activities can be done on your own but if you can find a friend to tag along all the better as not only are they company but you can motivate each other to maintain your aerobic activity.

Aerobic exercise will help you maintain an increased heart rate and help increase your breathing capacity too while providing exercise to your large muscles which combined will not only make you feel better but look better too. The benefits to your health provided by aerobic activity are numerous. Blood pressure is reduced, and the arteries and vessels all over your body are invigorated with oxygenated blood. Bad cholesterol is lowered, and your body becomes trimmed and toned due to the weight loss and your fitness will improve with aerobic activity. If you are at risk from diabetes , then an extra benefit of aerobic activity is that it can reduce your chances of getting it.

To get the most benefit from aerobic activity you should try to exercise at least 3 or 4 times a week. It is especially beneficial if you vary the types of aerobic exercise you use as performing different exercises ensures that all muscles are worked, and that you don't get bored. When doing the exercise make sure to set up sets of all your different forms, and repeat them at least 7 times. Monitor your heart rate with an aerobic activity guideline based on your age and goals. You can get one from your doctor, or anywhere on the Internet.

In just a couple of months you'll feel the difference that exercise makes to your life. Even so there is no need to rush, take your time and gradually build up the level of exercise. You will be amazed by how much better you look and feel once you start your aerobic activity.

Peter Curtis is a personal fitness instructor in Denver, Colorado. He also writes for several fitness websites and his own website about Aerobic Activity [http://www.aerobic-activity.com]

How To Maximize Your Aerobics Workout

Everyone knows how important working out is. However, not everyone knows the proper way to exercise and maximize the benefits of aerobics and a good aerobics workout. With a few simple steps, you can easily make the most of your aerobic workout.

One of the first steps in maximizing the benefits of aerobics is to understand why you need to work out. Probably the first thing that comes to mind is weight control. However, working out not only helps you lose weight, it is also good for your overall health.

Aerobics has a tendency to relax your muscles; therefore, relieving you of stress. Research has also shown that regularly exercising increases the production of endorphins. A good cardio workout can strengthen your heart, while reducing your risks of developing diabetes.

Now that you know some of the benefits of aerobics, it is important to know how to properly workout. Start by working out at the same time each day, totaling at least 2 hours a week. Setting a routine will help make your aerobic workout more of a habit than a chore. The more you work out, the easier it will be to actually work out.

In order to create total body fitness, you will need to incorporate both aerobics and strength training. In order to burn more calories, you need to build up your muscles. It takes less energy to move fat.

When first starting out, try to get in three workouts a week. Start with a short warm up, generally lasting 5-10 minutes. Follow the warm up with a strength training routine. Then, go into some more light aerobics for approximately 20 minutes. It is important to be careful to not overdo it when you start, since your motivation levels will be low if you strain muscles in your first workouts. It is equally important to realize that you are not going to see results immediately -- give it time! It took time to put those extra pounds on, and it will take take to get them off.

As you become more accustomed to working out, you can interchange your workout. One day do strength training and one day do aerobics. Keep in mind to not over do it. If you feel you need to take a day off or lessen the workout, be sure to do so.

You will want to increase your intensity slowly to avoid exhaustion. By starting slow and working your way up, you will also avoid extreme soreness and improve your fitness and health.

As a rule of thumb, you will want to do each set of strength training 8-12 times. Once you have mastered the particular exercise, try increasing the weight. Challenging yourself will not only improve the benefits of aerobics, but it will also keep you from getting bored. This also allows your muscles to build by requiring more of them, instead of doing something they can do easily.

Another technique is to find a workout partner. Having someone to workout with will keep you moving. A workout buddy will increase your motivation and make you more accountable for your workouts.

Working out can be very beneficial to your overall health. By learning proper techniques for working out you can greatly increase those benefits. The most important thing is to start off slow and gradually work your way up.

Jon is a computer engineer who maintains many websites to pass along his knowledge and findings. You can read more about aerobics workouts and health fitness at his web site at [http://jag-info-resources.com/aerobics]

2011年5月3日 星期二

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2011年5月2日 星期一

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How to Define Aerobic Activity

If you are a fitness buff, somebody who's currently on a diet plan, or a person who is looking to lose weight, you must have encountered a lot of recommendations that you need regular physical activity in your regimen. May be you don't know what is aerobic activity. However, to define aerobic activity is really easy. The exercises referred to are those that center on the cardiovascular system, called a cardiovascular exercise, also known as type of aerobic activity. Now you should have a better understanding how to define aerobic activity. You have already been doing these exercises, just not as intense and timed as needed. Indeed they can be very beneficial, but what makes aerobic activities so useful?

The best aerobic activities such as walking, running, jogging, swimming, biking, skiing, dancing and many other types of movements use the heart and lungs, and the body's circulatory system to pump and distribute oxygen across the entire body more efficiently. The exercises promote the use of oxygen so that energy can be produced and the - aptly, aerobic literally means, "with oxygen."

Compared to other types of exercise, each balanced exercise program push these organs further. When push comes to shove, the body will start to adapt in order for it to cope with the stress that is constantly being applied to heart and lung and large muscle groups. Aerobic workouts train these body parts to function faster and more effectively. As a result, the muscles grow stronger - and that gives us a lot of health benefits.

Cardiovascular benefits are a primary advantage of doing forms of aerobic exercises. As you walk, run, jog, swim, or use the bicycle regularly at constantly progressing paces, the heart and lungs work harder to supply the body with the much-needed oxygen more efficiently. As they work harder, they become stronger and healthier. Doing intensity aerobic exercise increases physical fitness and is a major aspect of reducing the risks of heart diseases.

Here are some heart-related benefits of aerobics:

Heart enlarges therefore its blood stroke volume increases too.
Respiratory muscles become stronger so flow of air in and out of the lungs is efficiently facilitated. Lung capacity will increase.
Resting heart rate is reduced.
Blood pressure is improved.
Increased number of red blood cells that carry the oxygen throughout the body

Metabolism as well as overall health is improved as most of the parts prone to diseases become healthier so there is decrease in the risks of chronic diseases. Regular exercising help decrease blood sugar and lipids, as well as minimize the stiffness and pain felt from arthritis.

What are the general health benefits aerobic activities include:

Decreased depression and pain, which contribute to becoming more functional
Minimized risks in developing diabetes
Helps the person deal with emotional and psychological stimuli much better
Mental health is improved
The risk of osteoporosis is reduced.

Through aerobic exercises, overall performance is improved since muscles become healthier. The body is able to burn fat and calories more efficiently too, so weight training can be controlled more effectively. Individuals will gain from the added endurance and vitality that he gets from doing regular healthy aerobic exercises like swimming, walking, running, jogging, playing tennis or bicycling.

Performance-related benefits of aerobic workouts:

Increase in the number of good cholesterol and decrease in the number of the bad ones
More muscular strength and lesser fats in the body - healthier weight
Strengthened and more toned muscles
Increased storage for energy in the muscles, which allows improvement in the person's endurance in performing his functions and other aerobically activities.
Faster recovery from any intense exercise

In contrary to anaerobic exercises any aerobic workout is done within a specific period of time depending on the level of stamina people have. Typically an aerobic exercise is done with less intensity but it has long durations.

To learn more about why health related fitness is so important for your body and what are the best aerobic exercises for you to change to a healthier lifestyle.

2011年5月1日 星期日

Atlanta Braves Chrome Frame

Atlanta Braves Chrome FrameNext time you change lanes, do so with Braves pride while sporting this Atlanta Braves License Plate Frame on your car. Featuring the Atlanta Braves team name and logo in raised lettering, this Atlanta Braves License Plate Frame is certain to set you apart in traffic.

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2011年4月30日 星期六

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High Intensity Intervals vs Steady, State Aerobic Training - Which is Better?

Because I put a lot of emphasis on interval training, people sometimes get the idea that I'm against steady state training. This isn't the case. With my programs, at least 75-80 % of you time is spent in an aerobic power and heart rate zone. I put the focus on the interval workouts as those are what tend to jump your power which you can then go faster aerobically. My approach is backwards to the conventional approach in that I focus on building maximum sustainable power and then translate that into longer distances.

To go faster, longer you need to accomplish the following:

Increased cardiac output - The heart and lungs need to be able to process more oxygen. Working muscles need oxygen, so the more you can process the faster you will potentially be able to go.

Increase mitochondrial development in the working muscles - these are the little power plants in the muscle cells that convert food and fat into motion. The more mitochondria you have, the more energy the muscles can process. Limited energy through-put is often what limits endurance performance.

Increase capillarization of the working muscles - capillaries are the little blood vessels that carry blood to the working muscles. The more capacity you have, the more blood that can carried to the muscle. More blood means more oxygen and more waste products carried away with each heartbeat.

Muscular endurance - This is related to the above adaptations but isn't just the legs. You need good muscular endurance in the prime mover and the support muscles. Strong legs don't mean much if your back gives out.

For those of you not sure of definitions, I'll describe them in a way that you can practically apply.

Aerobic pace - Aerobic mean with oxygen so aerobic pace is a pace that is hard enough that you are working but you are able to keep up with the oxygen demands. When you first start riding your heart rate and breathing will pick up. From the point when your breathing picks up and you feel like you are doing a moderate but noticeable workload to 90% of your functional threshold power will be aerobic.

From a feel stand point aerobic riding will be a moderately hard pace that you can sustain for extended periods of time(1-4 hours). Breathing will increase and you'll break a sweat but your legs won't be burning.

Anaerobic - Anaerobic means without oxygen so this is an intensity level where you can't keep up with the oxygen demand. There isn't a magical point that the body switches from the aerobic energy system to anaerobic. It's a sliding scale. For the sake of our discussion Anaerobic pace is any level that is to hard to sustain for extended periods and is marked by the sensation of seeming to get harder at the same work level. Because you body isn't getting enough oxygen you build a debt that leads to very heavy breathing and lots of burn.

Intervals - This is any workout that alternates periods of hard work with recovery. A graph of power output will look like a mountain range with spikes during the on phase and valleys during the recovery phase.

Most longer, steady training is predominantly aerobic while intervals are crossing the line into heavy anaerobic demands.

Now here is where it can get complicated. Relatively short intervals (30 seconds) without enough recovery between them put a high load on the aerobic system as oxygen debt builds. The same holds true for short time trial efforts such as our fitness test, where you cover as much distance as possible in 8 minutes. That duration is too long for it to be totally anaerobic but the intensity level is too high for it to be purely aerobic. This type of work will overload both systems. The same holds true for Tabata intervals, Velmax intervals and 4X4s. Because these intervals hit both systems you get more bang for your training buck.

While you get a lot of progress out of doing intervals, your long distance ability will be compromised if this is the only thing you do. There needs to be a balance between longer steady state efforts and high intensity interval training. The longer your event, the more of your overall training time will be taken up with long steady efforts. Long steady rides will build capacity in the slow twitch endurance muscle fibers and improve your bodies ability to use fat as a fuel source. This last part is one of the big secrets of improving endurance. The training and nutrition you can get your body using a larger percentage of calories from stored body fat during long events, saving carbohydrates for the hard efforts that will come at the end of the race.

One of the big things I notice with athletes is that it is hard for them to dial it back to go easy enough for their aerobic training to be effective. It's not that a slightly higher pace doesn't give you training benefits, but a long ride that has repeated hard efforts (ie. hills) or nudges up near your functional threshold power (max 60 min power) for sustained periods will take you longer to recover from. A moderate aerobic workout will take 8-12 hours to recover from but when you do it at a higher intensity it can take 48 hours or longer, decreasing the quality of your following workouts as you won't be recovered.

Here the benefits of each type of training:

High Intensity Intervals

Big effort yields big improvements - You have to go faster if you want to go faster. Intervals let you go faster in small doses which in time, leads to going faster for longer periods.

Great for fat burning - Intervals kick up your metabolism leaving it elevated for hours after training. This phenomenon can be used to ramp up your fat loss progress.

Hit muscle fibers that aerobic training doesn't - Fast twitch fibers get trained with explosive, hard efforts. You need them for sprints, hard accelerations and hill climbing.

Time efficient - You can overload both the aerobic and anaerobic system within one relatively short workout.

Variety - There are intervals to target improving just about anything. Increase threshold power, improve hill climbing power, increase you recovery ability between hard efforts, improve lactic acid tolerance, improve muscular endurance, sprint faster.

Interesting - This is particularly important in the winter. You have to pay attention when doing intervals so the time seems to go faster. Combined with the fact that the workouts are shorter means you are more likely to do them over the winter. While you need longer aerobic riding, intervals are the best thing to do in the off season if you can't bring yourself to put in 60+ minutes steady on the trainer.

Long, Steady Aerobic Riding

Improves capacity of the Slow Twitch (endurance) muscle fibers - Unless you are on the track, most of your cycling energy is going to be developed aerobically. If you are riding for 2 hours or more, most of your energy has to come from the aerobic system. It's just a fact. So improving the capacity of the aerobic muscle fibers will help you go faster for a longer period of time.

Improve your fuel economy - Long, steady rides improve your bodies ability to tap into stored body fat as a fuel source. This effect isn't targeted at weight loss but improving your endurance by cutting down on the amount of carbohydrate your muscles need to go a given speed.

Improve recovery - Aerobic training, when done correctly (ie. not too hard) is great to do between your harder workouts as you will get a training benefit but won't take days to recover from.

As you can see if you race or do long rides, if you want to do them fast you have to use both types of training to maximize your progress. You can get in very good shape doing just intervals but to go long you need to go long.

By Winston Endall

My name is Winston Endall. I'm a bike shop owner and cycling coach. Over the last 12 years I've worked developing my Speed Factory Training System to allow real people like you to maximize their fitness. My system lets people with jobs and families build a high level of cycling performance with the minimum time spent each week. Speed Factory combines bike workouts, cross training and flexibility work to make you a stronger overall athlete in as little as 4 hours per week. For more information go to my site http://www.cyclecambridge.com.

2011年4月29日 星期五

Zumba®: Ditch the Workout, Join the Party! The Zumba Weight Loss Program

ZumbaR: Ditch the Workout, Join the Party! The Zumba Weight Loss ProgramTIRED OF LOGGING HOURS AT THE GYM AND NOT GETTING RESULTS?



Created by celebrity fitness trainer Beto Perez, ZumbaR combines fun, easy-to-follow dance steps with hot Latin beats to help you shed pounds and inches fast. Now the DVD and classes that have hooked millions are available in book format, with a complete workout program, fat-burning diet, and an exclusive instructional DVD with 60 minutes worth of music to help you Zumba your way to the perfect body.

Using the principles of interval and resistance training, the simple dance and sculpting moves (inspired by the traditional cumbia, salsa, samba, and merengue) tone and shape your body. And because it burns 600 to 1,000 calories per hour, you don't have to restrict your meals to boring or bland-tasting diet foods. The Zumba diet begins with a 5-Day Express Diet to jump start weight loss (lose up to 9 lbs in 5 days) and then offers 14-day meal plans and recipes that target weight loss in the stomach and thighs. You'll find:
· Hot moves that make you feel like you're on the dance floor-not on the elliptical machine!

· Recipes for mouthwatering meals that boost your metabolism

· Dozens of workout combinations so you never get bored

· An exclusive jump-start program to get you ready for that big event next weekend

· An easy plan to help you keep up your progress and maintain the weight loss

So start moving, grooving and losing with Zumba today!

Price: $24.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

2011年4月28日 星期四

The Value of Aerobic Exercise Curriculums

Health and nutrition are genuinely crucial to us. The older we become the more valuable it is in our daily lives. Naturally, with age, many find exercise more laborious due to our declining physical condition. It is unfortunate that as we age, a lot of us will not manage a schedule for fitness exercise when the dwindling of the body can be slowed and prolonged with aerobics.

If you are considering aerobic exercise, you will be joyfully surprised at the flood of important information within reach to work for you in directing the ideal workout, burn fat, and improve your overall health. Seriously believe in the powerful benefits derived from aerobic exercise. For the longest time, I was accustomed to a very sedentary lifestyle, but since I began my current aerobic exercise schedule, I have experienced several positive and compelling lifestyle changes. I began feeling happier and healthier, at the same time I began feeling an astonishing addition in energy. Apart from the other benefits, I feel more physically fit than I had ever dreamed, which provides me more confidence with my physical appearance. This is something I have not experienced since earlier days as a youth.

Whether dieting, performing scheduled aerobics exercises or bodybuilding, always remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. There is a suggested daily amount of eight 8oz glasses of water needed daily, but that is not a research proven fact. In fact, researchers have stated that almost half of the body's required fluids come from the consumption of solid foods. So, everyone should adjust their own water intake as needed.

Insomuch as there are multitudes of aerobic exercise routines, it can definitely be said that the first priority is to find a fitness program that is right for you. That will be very good in your physical fitness success. Jogging has always been at the ned of my list of aerobic programs. There are really many exercise programs that raise metabolism and the pumping of blood, which help invigorate the heart muscle and enhance your health. Noting the wealth of aerobic programs obtainable, it should also be noted that they are certainly not all the same. Look for one that is low impact and requires muscle use from contrasting areas of the body.

High impact aerobic programs typically work well at increasing the circulatory and respiratory systems. Regularly, programs such as jogging as an example cause long term harmful physical issues straining or damaging joints or creating bone spurs for one. In respect to the long term effects of jogging, I will cease that form of exercise. Other aerobic programs commonly workout only one indicated muscle region. The majority work on the legs and do little for the arms and back. While building the cardio, this only faintly helps to create the truely physically fit body you hunger for.

With a little online research, I located a few aerobic exercise programs online. After a second review, I chose one that fit my desires and was not overloaded with those troubling issues. It appears to offer a complete workout routine that works and tones the whole body. With various workout routines immediately at hand, it also offers the option of support from a personal trainer. It is always nice to have input from an experienced fitness trainer to fill you in on how you are advancing. In addition, the program offers instrumental tips on burning fat and diets and nutrition information to further strengthen your physical well-being. Finally, whereas it is an online course the fitness programs overhead is much less than a local retail store, which helps keep the cost nominal for a very professional aerobics exercise program.

It has a number of routines with instruction from a personal trainer, that forms strength, flexibility, and a feeling of radiant health that I have been missing. Since beginning the online aerobic exercise curriculum, I have even been compelled to eat better, which has further enhanced my health and well being. There are useful tips for losing weight, daily motivational opinions, support and contact with your trainer through email, together with perpetual interaction via an world wide web forum for aerobic exercise participants. And, because it does not involve closely supervised classes, the price tag is actually quite reasonable, and not at all costly like masses of other fitness and aerobic exercise curriculums.

Loman is an author and editor for many different websites including 100WheyProtein.com He also writes opinions and reviews based on industry as well as personal experience for a variety of industries such as whey protein

2011年4月27日 星期三

Exaco Trading EARTH Earthmaker 120-Gallon Three Stage Aerobic Composter

Exaco Trading EARTH Earthmaker 120-Gallon Three Stage Aerobic ComposterEarthmaker 3 - stage Compost Bin turns trash into treasure! Dumping yard refuse and food scraps in the trash not only wastes landfill space, it's a waste of money too! Don't believe me? Well, think about how much you spend on lawncare services or products every year. Sending organic waste to the dump means you're literally throwing out valuable nutrients you COULD be using to keep your yard and garden beautiful while also keeping money in your pocket. In fact, studies show that almost half of each trash bag you produce could be made into compost. So, why waste money AND pollute the air by having your waste transported elsewhere? The Earthmaker is a great way to go green AND save green! So how does it work? Simple. Earthmaker's patented three-stage process uses traditional three-bin composting, but stacked vertically so gravity does the hard work! A continuous cycle process keeps new material away from older material. Food and garden waste can be added at any time. Mature mulch or compost can be removed when convenient. And the push-pull tool makes it easy to mix and move material through the process without straining your back with heavy lifting and turning. It's basically like having 3 compost bins in one unit! More: 123 gallon capacity; Once the unit is working, Earthmaker can produce up to 10 gallons of compost each month; Swiveling lid keeps animals out; Made of durable polypropylene; Material aerates as it falls down the chambers, decomposing rather than rotting; Reduces smells, flies and greenhouse gases; Easy assembly! Clicks together with no tools; Measures 47 x 30" w., weighs 36 lbs. Compost the easy way and order your Earthmaker today! Earthmaker 3-stage Compost Bin

Price: $199.99

Click here to buy from Amazon